Studio Stories

Julia Fish
How do you maintain the continual output expected of a successful mid-career artist?

Brian Kapernekas
How does space dictate practice? Practice space? The Elusive Studio...

Judy Ledgerwood
How do you create time and focus for your studio practice?

Douglas Alain Park
What is the value of working in alternative spaces?

Vanessa Shinmoto
The Home Gallery Space, A Cautionary Tale

Lee Tracy
What are effective business strategies for an artist?

Dan Zamudio and Julie Sulzen
Alternative Spaces: Turning your home into a gallery

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Lee Tracy:
What are effective business strategies for an artist?

It is important for artists to take things seriously; so seriously that we must enact a thoughtful plan to set ourselves up in a sustainable environment. Every artist needs a space, time and materials in order to be productive.

There are thousands of ways to accomplish this.

The priority is that a studio be established with the purpose of creating your art. If you are a student, my advice is to designate a space while you are still in school. Work in that studio, get used to it and integrate it into your life. Too often, students leave school and find themselves longing for weeks, months, and unfortunately years for their studio to appear. Too often, the studio never comes about. So, act now and make your transition from student to professional easy and regret free. Make your studio now, call it that and call yourself an artist immediately.

Next, take a look at how you are going to spend your time creating your art and making your livelihood. I recommend getting business counseling. Once, I was asked to make a list of my assets. Not a list of cars, boats or jewels, but a list of my abilities; creative assets that could be utilized as resources. Examples from an artist list could be teaching more